Monday, June 07, 2010

Moorestown Day has come and gone!

June 7, 2010

Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Living Report

Moorestown Day has come and gone!

I would like to thank everyone who stopped by our booth Saturday, for Moorestown Day.

We had a few volunteers who chose to speak with us about our medical wellness philosophy and services. We also performed blood pressure screenings as shown below.

As with any outdoor event, we were at the whim of Mother Nature. While she spared us any rain, she did not spare the heat and humidity.

It was hot!! Luckily, the gentleman shown above was in the neighboring tent, and he had a nice display of sunrooms, windows and doors. So when it really got hot out, he nicely opened the windows for us to allow a breeze ; )

There was plenty of downtime. Jessica, our whirling dervish of a medical assistant always needs something to do to pass the time. Here is a picture of what she does best.

But it was not all downtime.
The busiest time of the day, as usually happens, occurred at lunchtime. Now most of you know I have fairly strong views on diet and health. You also know that I prefer to keep to a low processed carbohydrate diet. Now, not everyone is perfect, and most people who try to be, tend to get frustrated and irritable. I do not like to be frustrated or irritable, and I am human, just like you! So, I get to rationalize my Moorestown Day food choices, to allow myself an exception that is hard for me to say "No".

Can anyone guess what it was?

Here is a clue.
It rhymes with tomato.
It is not Gumbo, nor Merlot or Bordeaux.
It is usually deep fried in peanut oil.
If you guessed French fried "potato", you are correct!

My addiction to french fries began in my youth and has lasted with me throughout my adulthood.
Thank you Mom and Dad!
It In fact, I once came close to firing an employee for throwing out extra french fries before offering them to me. Remember, I said close!!!

So what do french fries have to do with Moorestown Day?
The largest crowd of the day happened to arrive at lunchtime. When I know that I will be confined to a 10 x10 area for six hours, my survival instincts take over and I tend to "carb-it" when I am hungry. Please do not look up "carb-it" in the dictionary. You will not find it. But, as luck would have it, as soon as I put a french fry into my mouth, literally, as soon as I started to eat a french fry, someone comes to our tent and asks to speak to the "Wellness doctor"? So what did I say to this individual, looking for better health and wellness? Simple! I asked if he had any ketchup for my fries ; )

I could look for nice nutritional things to write about french fried potatoes, and I could provide many internet links. But instead I will just say that I enjoyed the fries, and I am still looking for a french fry support group! I had belonged to one before, but it disbanded after one meeting. It did not help that the meeting was held next to McDonalds.

As I tell all my patients who have taken part in my Healthy Weight Program. It is important to put the right foods into your body. But if you strive for absolute perfection, you will probably fail. I find it best to find a good balance between safety, health and happiness! This balance is another of the many reasons I founded the Institute for Medical Wellness.
Red Meat- Good or Bad for you?

The answer is ---- Both!
Now wasn't that helpful?
When we talk about red meat, we may be talking about a steak.

We may also be talking about a hamburger or a hot dog.

They are all considered red meat, but they are very, very different foods.
Without getting into any gory details, a good carnivore usually enjoys a steak. There is minimal food processing, and if you buy organic and grass fed, it is even closer to an ideal protein and healthy fat source.

How bout hamburgers and hot dogs you say?
They are definitely a different story. Hamburger meat is usually heavily processed, but not as much as a hot dog. Here is a link to a youtube video showing how hot dogs are processed. And most hot dogs have other ingredients, such as preservatives that have been shown to increase your risk of many diseases. These preservatives can be very powerful stuff. I recently spoke a retired school teacher, who used to take his students on a field trip to the local garbage dump. This is probably no worse than taking them on a trip to the United States Congress.

Sorry bout that!!

An interesting thing occurred at the dump. The students were testing different items to see how fast they decomposed, and which items were most biodegradable. Would you believe he found that hot dogs were less biodegradable than some plastic cups? So if hot dogs do not biodegrade in a dump, what is happening to them in your colon?
The healthy pearl of the day.

Red meat that is minimally processed, without added chemicals, hormones or preservatives may indeed be healthy for you.
Red meat, such as hot dogs, that are heavily processed, probably are not!!

To Good Health!

Steven Horvitz, D.O,
Board Certified Family Practice
Founder of The Institute For Medical Wellness
128 Borton Landing Road, Suite Two
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone 856-231-0590
Fax 856-294-0311
If this newsletter was forwarded to you, and you would like to receive future editions in your email box, please sign up here.
It is always nice to get good feedback. Good feedback tells me that I am definitely moving in the right direction! So please check out our patient testimonials.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why I love ADD/ADHD!!

May 11, 2010

Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Living Report

Why I love ADD/ADHD!!

I had a long time patient who I shall call Addie, come in for an evaluation this week. Her name for this newsletter has been changed to protect the innocent ; ) Addie and I discussed a "medical condition" known as ADD, ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Now some people believe that ADD is akin to a learning disorder, but my opinion differs. It is my belief that ADD helps many individuals succeed in life. Click here for a link to famous people who have been purported to or admitted to ADD. Click here for a list from Parenting magazine of other celebrities diagnosed with ADD who have used its gifts to succeed in life.

In speaking further with Addie, she has, in fact, succeeded in many areas and suggested I write a book about her ADD addventures. My answer, after almost falling off my chair laughing, was that I can barely get out a newsletter, let alone write a book! So after I picked myself off the floor, and brushed off a smudge on my old ripped jeans, we went back to discussing the many upsides of ADD, as well as some of the downs. During the discussion we continued laughing, and decided that instead of fighting ADD, it was time to embrace the good aspects, and work towards minimizing the bad.

I am not of the belief that you either have ADD or you do not. I am of the belief that everyone has ADD traits, just to different extents. I find that a large majority of ADD individuals are extremely bright and talented. It is when they learn how to utilize the strengths of ADD for their education and career paths, that their full potential is unleashed. I did not write a newsletter to poke fun at those with ADD beyond control, as can be the case, but rather to poke fun at myself and find some humor in the brains we, and I have all been dealt with.

In situations where ADD is preventing success and advancement in life, there are many behavioral and medical options available. But just as in other medical diseases, I first prefer to investigate and try more holistic options, as this can be accomplished without side effects. But as holistic options do not always work, I always try to keep an ace in the hole, so I have a very good relationship with a doctor who specializes in conventional treatments for ADD ; )

Always the optimist, I have found that the best way to minimize the bad feelings that come from ADD is to humble them with humor. So what better example than to share some of my favorite ADD jokes and sayings.

Here goes.........

Q. How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. Let's go bicycling!!!
I stopped to think, and forgot to start again!
I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.
As seen on a T-shirt: ADHD- Don't make me get HYPERFOCUSED on you!
I never finish anyth
"You have my DIVIDED attention!"
The other day I was taking out the trash and I saw a crow on the roof of my garage just SCREAAMMMING at me, so I went back in the house and saw the pen I needed to write down that telephone number and, what was the question?

And my all time favorite:

My mother says I have ADD. But I do not believe her. Hey, Look, a chicken.....


There are also some great things about having ADD.

Can meet someone, fall deeply in love, marry, fight, hate, and divorce,
all in about 35 minutes or less.

Can see all of your worldly possessions at one time...because they
are all over the floor.

Make far reaching analogies that no one else understands and write
them off as "Deep Thoughts"

Able to tie seemingly unrelated ideas together.

Honestly believes that anything is possible.

Pro vides jobb sicuritty four riterz of Spehl Chek programms

OK. Now what was I writing about??

Oh yea.....


Interesting Article:

I came across a very interesting and informative blog article that discussed the many benefits of Omega 3 fats, found in fish, while also discussing the downsides of Omega 6 fats, found in many vegetable oils. The article can be found here. The follow-up article can be found here. As I pursue this further, and validate the articles findings, I hope to incorporate a more balanced omega-3 diet into our Healthy Weight Program.

We already offer testing for a balanced omega-3 diet. The Omega-3 index is a part of our Healthy Heart Program, but can also be offered separately for $149.00. The results can and will be used to better individualize your diet and supplement needs.

Speaking of supplements......

Institute For Medical Wellness Supplements of the Month:

My supplements of the month offer for May 2010, includes two supplements that help with decreasing inflammation and maintaining proper gut flora, which may be linked to helping improve our immune systems ability to function properly.

For May 2010,

Vitamin D3- Liquid 2000iu per drop, 900 drops per bottle- regularly $20


Probiotic Pearls- ProFlora Immune- 30 pearls, regularly $20.

Purchase these two supplements together for $30, a 25% savings.


Thank you Addie for the inspiration to write this newsletter.

Now, where did that chicken go????

To Good Health!

Steven Horvitz, D.O,
Board Certified Family Practice
Founder of The Institute For Medical Wellness
128 Borton Landing Road, Suite Two
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone 856-231-0590
Fax 856-294-0311
To follow The Institute For Medical Wellness on Twitter.

If this newsletter was forwarded to you, and you would like to receive future editions in your email box, please sign up here.

It is always nice to get good feedback. Good feedback tells me that I am definitely moving in the right direction! So please check out our patient testimonials.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Chocolate and Depression

May 3, 2010

Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Living Report

First things first.

Did everyone enjoy their peek at summer weather?

I hope it put a smile on everyone's face, especially after our brutal winter.

If it did not, maybe you need a mood enhancer?

How bout some chocolate ?

Chocolate and Depression


I am back to chocolate yet again.

I wrote a previous post about chocolate that can be found here.

The definition of a chocoholic is: a person who loves/is addicted to chocolate.

I really have a taste for chocolate, but I am not convinced that I meet enough criteria to be labeled a "chocoholic".

You see, there are many days that I turn down a Hershey's kiss.

But today is not looking good! And tomorrow is not looking much better ; )

Oh well!!

Now let's look at the study.

First they screened 1018 individuals for depression. Of these, 694 were men, and 314 were women.

First question: How did they get twice as many men as women for a chocolate study???

The study allowed 931 of the 1018 into the study, as these individuals were not presently on any antidepressant medication. These 931 subjects tracked their chocolate consumption as well as being tested for mood using a depression screening scale.

The study results were as follows.

There were three patterns which were grouped according to the depression scales.

The individuals who scored high on the depression scales consumed 55% more chocolate than those not positive for depression.

Even more interesting was that the individuals who scored the highest on the depression scales consumed over twice the amount of chocolate as those who scored not positive for depression.

There was no statistical difference between men and women.

These results can be viewed a few different ways.

1) Since depressed individuals eat more chocolate, maybe the chocolate is causing the depression.

I sure hope this is not the case, as I do not want to give up my chocolate ; )

2) Depressed individuals self medicate by eating chocolate, as chocolate is high in polyphenols which can raise serotonin levels in the brain. The prescription drug Prozac also works by raising brain serotonin levels. Here is a link to more information on why chocolate may help with mood.

I can see the slogan now.

"Feeling down or depressed? Eat a Hershey's Kiss. It's natures Prozac !"

I guess that could be good or bad for Hershey's chocolate sales???

And the third reason,

Drum roll please ...................

3) Some people just enjoy the taste of chocolate!!!

Being in the medical field, my personal theory agrees with both #2 and #3. I am a firm believer that you are what you eat. I also believe that we have subconscious cravings for different foods dependent upon their nutritional value. This is very evident in the diets of pregnant women, but occurs in everyone, just to different degrees. In that vein, here is a link to the top ten scientific reasons why chocolate is the world's perfect food, and why you may also crave chocolate.


Don't tell Jessica, my medical assistant, that I ratted her out, but I think she is a chocoholic !!!!
So if you want to get on her good side, you know, to get that script called in quickly, or to get a copy of your recent test mailed to you, chocolate goes a long way ; )

Institute For Medical Wellness New Offers:

I came across a very interesting blog article. The article discussed how our gut flora, the billions of bacteria that live in our digestive tract, get out of balance. This can occur with natural aging, as well as a result of our lifestyle choices which include diets, stress, and use of prescription medications, among others. I will not go further into this theory here, other than to say that to slow down aging, I agree with the blog author that we need to decrease inflammation in our body. As lifestyle accommodations can take years of trial and error to perfect, I like to focus on supplements that help our bodies immune system to properly control inflammation.


My supplement of the month offer for May 2010, includes two supplements that help with decreasing inflammation and maintaining proper gut flora.

For May 2010,

Vitamin D3- Liquid 2000iu per drop, 900 drops per bottle- regularly $20


Probiotic Pearls- ProFlora Immune- 30 pearls, regularly $20.

Purchase these two supplements together for $30, a 25% savings.

This offer can be used with other Institute For Medical Wellness supplement discount offers!!


Don't forget that a massage makes a wonderful Mother's Day Gift.

For more information on our massage services please click here.

And now for an important announcement.

I have added an Announcement page to our website.

This page will include recent and new happenings concerning the Institute For Medical Wellness, including new programs and special offers, which sometimes may be good discounts. So please check out the Announcement page every so often.
Other Institute For Medical Wellness Programs and Events:

1) Healthy Heart Program
2) Healthy Weight Program- Lite Edition
3) Traditional Wellness Plan

4) I am pleased to announce that the Institute For Medical Wellness is a Silver Sponsor of Moorestown Day 2010.

Please look for our booth on Main Street in Moorestown on Saturday June 5, 2010, between 9AM-3PM.

I hope to see you there, and please wish for good weather, that is, no rain!

It is no fun being outside in the rain!!

To Good Health!
Steven Horvitz, D.O,
Board Certified Family Practice
Founder of The Institute For Medical Wellness
128 Borton Landing Road, Suite Two
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone 856-231-0590
Fax 856-294-0311

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hearts, Fish, Sugars and a back!

April 29, 2010

Hearts, Fish, Sugars and a back!

I just came across a study about coronary calcium scores.


I heard something about that test before.

I think I heard about it here, and I think I included this test as part of the Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Heart program.

The study indicated that using coronary calcium scores enables a better stratification of risk for heart disease.

I hope you agree with me that it is better to prevent your first heart attack, than to treat you after you have had one.

The coronary calcium score is also available separate from the Healthy Heart program. And if you are already enrolled in a Wellness Plan and have this test performed, we will give you a one year free membership in the Track Your Plaque program, to help you halt or even reverse your risk of heart disease.

If you have any questions about coronary calcium scores or would like to have the test performed, please call our office at 856-231-0590 or email me at

We have all heard recommendations to take fish oils.

But what about other oils used as supplements, as well as in food preparation and cooking.

Well, I could write many, many newsletters on this subject, but I found a web article that beat me to the punch and it can be found here.

While the web article starts by discussing how omega-3 oils, found most commonly in fish oils, are good for the skin, it goes much further and discusses other types of oils and whether they are healthy for you, or just hype.

So I hope this article starts you in thinking that fish oils can be of benefit to your health.

But how much fish oil should I take is the next question?

That was always a tough question to answer, but no longer.

There is now a test, called the Omega-3 Index, that actually measures the amounts of Omega-3 oils in your bodies cells. It compares the healthier Omega 3 levels to the unhealthier Omega 6 levels to give us an Omega-3 index. The higher the index, the lower your risk of a heart event, such as sudden cardiac death. That is why the Omega-3 index is included in our Healthy Heart Program.

And just like the cornary calcium score, I have decided to make this test available outside of the Healthy Heart program. Unfortunately, at this time insurers do not cover this test. Then again, insurers do not like to cover many of the newer preventative tests that we offer. But I will try not to digress.

The Omega-3 index is performed by drawing a tube of blood and sending it out to a reference laboratory. We are able to offer this test for $149. The beauty of this test, and why I feel it is worth the expense, is that it will provide us with actionable lab values which we can use to both modify your dietary and supplement dosages of fish oils, which has been shown to lower your risk of sudden cardiac death.

Changing direction now.....

One of the common misconceptions about sugars, fat and cholesterols is that dietary fat raises your cholesterol and carbohydrates and sugars do not. Unfortunately this statement is a fallacy for the majority of individuals. A recently published article in JAMA, the Journal of The American Medical Association, finally suggested that added sugars in the diet increases TRIGLYCERIDES, raises LDL (BAD CHOLESTEROL), and lowers HDL (GOOD CHOLESTEROL). All of these markers are moving in a direction of increased risk for heart disease.


Does JAMA finally get it, because they are usually pretty far behind the times?

Or could JAMA be helping the government set up a "food police", along the likes of a ban on trans fats, lowering of salt intake, and a California county outlawing give-away toys with McDonald's happy meals. ??

I have my own views on diet, which are probably at present in the minority.

Please focus on the words, "at present". In the not too distant future, these views will be a majority.

My views on diet are based on real life metabolism and human physiology as well as almost two decades of patient results.

What I give is advice.

I do not give ultimatums, nor pass laws.

So what you eat is still your choice. I just hope you let me help you to make the best choice for your health!

So do not forget about our Healthy Weight Program-Lite Edition.

Some of you already know that I have what I consider a "bad back". I never had a bad injury, but my many years of playing tennis during high school and college have worn me down and set me up for occasional bouts of aches and pains. A few weeks ago I "re-tweaked" my back, but in a different location than my norm.

I re-learned a few important lessons from my recent ordeal:

1) No matter how good you think you used to be at a sport when you were younger, do not dive back in at full force when you are older.

2) Hot showers work well for muscle spasms.

3) Therapeutic massage can work wonders. I had 2 therapeutic massages from Julie Fischer, our therapeutic massage guru. I truly believe that is what put me on the road to recovery.

So while pain meds, muscle relaxers, and muscle creams help to mask pain, I know that the addition of massage therapy truly put my body into heal and restore mode.

So my thanks to Julie !!!!

Don't forget that a massage makes a wonderful Mother's Day Gift.

For more information on Julie's services please click here.

And now for an important announcement.

I have added an Announcement page to our website.

This page will include recent and new happenings concerning the Institute For Medical Wellness, including new programs and special offers, which sometimes may be good discounts. So please check out the Announcement page every so often.

When you are not looking at our web page, why not look for our booth at Moorestown Day on Saturday June 5, 2010.

And please wish for good weather, that is, no rain! It is no fun being outside in the rain!!

To Good Health!
Steven Horvitz, D.O,
Board Certified Family Practice
Founder of The Institute For Medical Wellness
128 Borton Landing Road, Suite Two
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone 856-231-0590
Fax 856-294-0311

Monday, April 26, 2010

Healthy Heart Program

April 26, 2010

Back in March, I had a survey performed about my practice, and asked for patient feedback about what direction my patient's wanted the Institute For Medical Wellness to go.

Two interesting responses:

1) Over 70% of those who responded would like more specific vitamin and nutrient testing.

2) 50% of those who responded would like more vascular, i.e. heart disease, evaluation and testing.

The survey was back in early March, which reminds me of a funny saying,

" sh.t or get off the pot"

From wikipedia:

"Sh.t or get off the pot" is a common English language colloquial expression, used to imply a person should follow up their stated intentions, with action. It is also used to urge someone to complete a task with a greater degree of efficiency or timeliness than is observed at the time the expression is used. Implicit in the expression is that the person, by failing to act, is preventing others from acting.

I find this relevant because for the past few months I have been promising a new Healthy Heart Program, different from any other program out there. I had hoped to have this program up and running in February, but wanted to wait for the response of the survey. Also, one thing after another occurred, and you know, yada, yada, yada....

So now, I am proud to introduce, by popular demand, after months and months of work and research, the Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Heart Program.

One of the fears I hear all the time from my patient's is, "I don't want to have a heart attack. What can I do to prevent one?"

The answer has never been simple, but we are learning more and more every day about the multitude of causes of heart disease. Many of these causes are now more easily evaluated, allowing a better gauge of your heart attack risk. In the past, we used EKG's, stress tests and routine lipid or cholesterol tests. While helpful, these tests tend to underestimate the risk of disease. For example, if an EKG is abnormal or inconclusive, the next step is a stress test. If a cardiac stress test is abnormal or inconclusive, the next step would most likely be a cardiac catheterization. While cardiac cath's are still the gold standard for assessing heart attack risk, it comes with many of its own risks, and is a very invasive test. So for diagnosis and prevention of heart disease, there has to be a better way!

There are many factors involved in stratifying your heart disease risk. But the newest technique I use is called a coronary calcium score. This very quick test uses CAT scan technology to measure the amount of calcium in your coronary arteries. The following is an explanation of coronary calcium scores as provided by "Track Your Plaque" website, soon to be introduced as part of the Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Heart Program.

The calcium score provided by this test gives you an extremely reliable gauge of the plaque present in your coronary arteries, something no other test - even a stress test - can do. The higher the calcium score, the greater the quantity of plaque in your coronary arteries, and the higher the risk for heart attack and other cardiac catastrophes. The coronary calcium score can therefore be used as a yardstick for your coronary plaque. It can also be tracked for its increase, stabilization, or decrease allowing you to tailor your treatment for optimum results.

I like yardsticks.

When a woman thinks she is pregnant and gets a blood test, she wants to know how far along in the pregnancy she is. That is valuable information for her prenatal care. As it relates to heart disease, I like to know, not just yes I have the disease, or no I do not, but if I am at a low, moderate or high risk of developing a worsening of the disease, or worse, of having a heart attack in the near future. The coronary calcium score gives me this information.

I am pleased to announce that coronary calcium scores are an integral part of the Institute for Medical Wellness Healthy Heart Program.

OK. I have had the coronary calcium test. Now what do we do with it?

If your score is moderate or high, indicating an elevated risk, then prevention of heart attack is your ultimate goal. So I have teamed with the Track Your Plaque program to include a free one year online membership. This program will give you loads of information and techniques to not only lower your progression of heart disease, but even possibly reverse it. Please click here for more information on the Track Your Plaque program.

But wait, there is more.

Nutritionally, I have been a big fan of fish oils for prevention of heart disease. But we have not had a method of measuring fish oils in our blood to help with recommending proper supplement amounts. That is, until now!! The Institute For Medical Wellness is now able to offer a simple blood test called the "Omega-3 index". We will use this index to measure your omega-3 levels and to stratify your heart disease risk and allow individualization of your fish oil supplementation doses.

I am not finished yet!!

The Institute For Medical Wellness will also be offering specialized comprehensive cardiac risk assessment testing to even further elucidate your heart risks. Some of these tests include the VAP cholesterol profile, triglycerides, homocysteine, insulin levels, glucose, Lp-PLA2, Vitamin D, C-Reactive Protein-hs, HbA1C, Thyroid testing, apoB levels, and even a gene test, called the Apo E Genotype, that will even further allow risk stratification, and individualization of your risk factors.

Now I know this is all a lot to swallow and the learning curve is a bit steep. Hey, five years ago, over half of these tests were even beyond my scope of practice. But when I decided to make prevention and wellness a hallmark of my practice, my scope needed to expand, and expand it did.

Still not finished!

Have you ever wondered if you were deficient in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids? If you have, we are now offering a comprehensive micronutrient test to help achieve optimum levels. This comprehensive test tests for:

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D, Biotin, Folate, and Pantothenate
Minerals: Calcium, Magnesium and Copper
Amino acids: Asparagine, Glutamine, Serine
Antioxidants: Alpha lipoic acid, Coenzyme Q10, Cysteine, Glutathione, Selenium and Vitamin E
Fatty Acid: Oleic Acid
Metabolites: Choline, Inositol and Carnitine
Cabohydrate Metabolism: Chromium, Fructose Sensitivity, Glucose-Insulin Metabolism
Spectrox Total Antioxidant Function

The beauty of this test is that it measures intracellular levels of these nutrients, as it is inside the cell that the nutrients perform their necessary functions. The measurements give readings of how your cells have functioned with these nutrients over the past six months, which allows for a much better evaluation of your overall health. This powerful tests fits perfectly into our Healthy Heart Program.

So let me take time to review:

The Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Heart Program includes:

1) Coronary Calcium Score.
2) One year membership in "Track Your Plaque Program" to reverse your heart disease risks.
3) Omega-3 index testing your levels of omega-3 fish oils.
4) Comprehensive VAP cholesterol testing.
5) Comprehensive Cardiac lab testing looking for new markers of heart disease.
6) Apo-E Genotype testing.
7) Advanced Vitamin and Nutrient Testing.

And thru May 2010, our Healthy Heart Program will also include:

8) One month free of our Healthy Weight Program - Lite Edition
9) 20% discount on all Institute For Medical Wellness supplements for one year.

All this testing should cost a fortune. If purchased individually, these tests would cost over $1,300.

However I am able to offer the complete Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Heart Program for $799. If you prefer, for $150 more, or a total of $949, you can upgrade your coronary calcium score to a full Wellness Scan, which includes a coronary calcium score, as well as a scan of your lungs and abdomen.

And if you are already a Wellness Plan member, your cost for the Healthy Heart Program is only $699. For $100 more, or a total of $799, you can upgrade your coronary calcium score to a full Wellness Scan, which includes a coronary calcium score, as well as a scan of your lungs and abdomen.

The Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Heart program is not for everyone, and is definitely not meant to be an annual expense. What I hope is that individuals 50 and over, or if you are 40 and over with current risks of heart disease, you will look closely at this program. This program is also best for individuals with Diabetes, High blood pressure, High cholesterol, Obesity, or a Family history of Heart disease.

My goal and yours, is to use this program to uncover previously hidden risks of heart disease, that we can then work towards reversing and resolving.

By detecting hidden risks at an earlier time, we have a much greater chance of truly preventing future heart disease!

If you need further information about our Healthy Heart program, Traditional Wellness Plan, or any other Institute For Medical Wellness program, please email Dr. Horvitz at .


Institute For Medical Wellness Special Offers:

Our supplement of the month for April continues to be Dream Protein.

Dream Protein is an all natural whey protein powder, available in both vanilla and chocolate. It is very popular when used to help with both weight loss and muscle growth. I have used it on an almost daily basis for the past 6 months, during which time I lost 15-20 pounds, all from my waist. This protein supplement does not work alone, and results will always vary. It is one of the better whey protein supplements on the market that I have used.

Regular cost is $45.

For the month of April, Dream Protein will be available for $36, a 20% savings.

Any suggestions for the supplement of the month for May???


Please look for our booth at Moorestown Day on Saturday June 5, 2010.

And please wish for good weather, that is, no rain. It is no fun being outside in the rain!!

To Good Health !!!

Steven Horvitz, D.O,
Board Certified Family Practice
Founder of The Institute For Medical Wellness
128 Borton Landing Road, Suite Two
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone 856-231-0590
Fax 856-294-0311

Friday, April 09, 2010

Hey Doc, they said........

April 9, 2010

Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Living Report

Hey Doc, they said........

One of the more common reasons people come to visit me at my office, starts with, "They said......"

"They said that cholesterol is bad for you"
"They said that you should drink more water"
"They said that butter and saturated fat are bad for you"
"They said that taking cholesterol lowering medications is good for you"
"They said that eating more grains is good for you."
"They said that being out in the sun is bad for you."
"They said that a lowfat diet is healthy for you."
"They said that a lowcarb diet is bad for you."

I could go on and on and on and on and on and on........, as there are so, so many experts in the world today.

But do "They" actually know "you", and can "They" actually give "you" advice?

I think it works better when someone who actually knows you and your medical and health history has a say in what is good and bad for you.

And just who is that someone?

It is actually two someones. And it is the someones who can better lead you to good health, at least a lot better than the "Theys".

The first and most important someone is you, as no one knows you better. But you need some help in getting through the tsunami of health information available today. That is where the second someone comes in.

Can anyone guess who that is?

Below is a recent email testimonial I received.


Hi Dr. Horvitz,

This is Sue.

I want to thank you for suggesting I take Dream Protein. I make a shake every morning for breakfast instead of eating cereal. I lost those 5 pounds and took 2 inches off my waist. It's very filling and satisfying. I also eat an egg or cheese. Maybe once a week I'll have half the cereal I used to eat. My stomach is so much flatter. I now exercise 5 days a week and continue with my dumbells and stomach exercises. I can't believe how easy it was to lose that weight and keep it off. I want to stay this weight and continue to lose inches from my stomach.

Thanks again.



Emails like that are always good for an ego boost, but egos are not my thing.

My thing is to change the way of family healthcare by partnering with my patient's to steer them towards optimal health. A big part of that comes from my Osteopathic education.

As an Osteopathic physician, I am a strong believer that the body can heal itself, if we do not get in its way. If we do need to step in and provide or prescribe a treatment, it is usually because the body is moving in the wrong direction. My job is to steer your body away from danger and back in the proper direction, towards waht I like to say is towards, safety, health and happiness.

This is why the Institute For Medical Wellness is leading the way in South Jersey. The Institute For Medical Wellness, through its many Wellness programs, puts a major emphasis on each individuals unique lifestyle. Using a thorough medical history, along with different testing modalities, we look for weaknesses that affect your health. Then, our first strategy rarely relies on medication. Instead we look for lifestyle and nutritional adjustments, sometimes supplements, as well as other therapeutic modalities to enable a healthier you. Be assured that if a medication is prescribed, then we have exhausted other safer alternatives.

So you can go to a traditional medical practice, and spend more time in the waiting room, than with your doctor.

You can go to a traditional medical practice and get prescribed another blue or red pill.

You can listen to all the "Theys", who do not know you, and continue with the status quo. Or, you can enroll in our Traditional Wellness plan, and truly work on steering your body in a healthier direction, with less reliance on the "Theys", and more confidence in yourself, as you move towards better health.

Some of the many ways the Institute For Medical Wellness differs from other medical practices can be found below.


Institute For Medical Wellness - Yearly Wellness Plans

Our Wellness Plans are growing fast this year. We are adding more individuals, couples and families every month. Our Wellness Plans include a comprehensive yearly wellness exam along with unlimited follow-up evaluations for well or sick care. The emphasis in our wellness plans is on optimal health, not just treating you when you are ill. And so, year to year, their popularity continues to build, as evidenced by a greater than 90% renewal rate.

If you have not looked closely at these plans, more information can be found here, as well as the cost of the plans listed below.

Individuals Ages 6-24: once yearly fee of $399.
Individuals Ages 25 to 29: once yearly fee of $449.

Individuals Ages 30 and up: once yearly fee of $549.

Married couples: once yearly fee of $999.

Family Plan: once yearly fee of $1199.

Monthly payment options are also available


Institute For Medical Wellness Special Offers:

Our supplement of the month continues to be Dream Protein.

Dream Protein is an all natural whey protein powder, available in both vanilla and chocolate. It is very popular when used to help with both weight loss and muscle growth. I have used it on an almost daily basis for the past 6 months, during which time I lost 15-20 pounds, all from my waist. This protein supplement does not work alone, and results will always vary. It is one of the better whey protein supplements on the market that I have used. This is also the protein supplement used in our Healthy Weight Program.

Regular cost is $45.

For the month of April, Dream Protein will be available for $36, a 20% savings.


Healthy Weight Program - Lite Edition

Dream protein is a part of our Healthy Weight Program, and many have had similar to success, like Sue.

This program fits best after your yearly physical, as review of laboratory testing give valuable information about your metabolic profile, which helps to determine your proper program. The main part of your program will be your online Healthy Weight Notes, which we will privately share via a personalized google document. You will use this document to keep a diary of your food intake, as well as anything else pertinent to help you achieve your goals. I will be monitoring your IMW-Healthy Weight Notes, and giving what I hope to be good instruction and comments, as well as other helpful information, including any links to articles that I feel will be helpful to your success.

I will instruct you to weigh yourself on your home scale intermittently, to monitor your progress. At the end of each month, you should come to the office for a weigh-in. If you are doing well, and want to continue, you may renew the plan on a month-to-month basis. I believe that you will learn enough within the first month or two, that two months on the program will probably be sufficient for you to learn how to continue with your healthy weight goals. But if you need more help and guidance, you can continue for a longer period.

The cost for the Institute for Medical Wellness Healthy Weight Program-Lite Edition is, as its name includes, pretty lite at just $99 for the initial month, and $79 a month thereafter. To make this program even more effective, I suggest you combine it with exercise guidance with our affiliated personal trainers. I hope you use the training sessions to further move yourself towards your goals. For just $175 for the initial month, you can get both the Healthy Weight Program-Lite Edition and three one hour personal training sessions.

So no time is better than now to start working towards your healthy weight!


Sorry, almost forgot about the Institute For Medical Wellness Therapeutic Massage:

You can enjoy as little as a one hour massage, or 3, 5, and 10 hour discounted packages are also available.

And if you are enrolled in a Wellness Plan, your first massage is half price!

To schedule a massage please call Julie directly, at 609-504-2783.

To Good Health!

Steven Horvitz, D.O,
Board Certified Family Practice
Founder of The Institute For Medical Wellness
128 Borton Landing Road, Suite Two
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone 856-231-0590
Fax 856-294-0311

To follow The Institute For Medical Wellness on Twitter.

If this newsletter was forwarded to you, and you would like to receive future editions in your email box, please sign up here.

It is always nice to get good feedback. Good feedback tells me that I am definitely moving in the right direction! So please check out our patient testimonials.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

The Ronald

April 1, 2010

Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Living Report

Before I get into the topic of the day, let me first announce that I will be retiring at the end of this month!

April Fools!!!

Sorry bout that!

With a daughter in 6th grade, and college tuition to save for, I do not think I will be retiring anytime soon. Besides, I can actually say I really love my job!

So now, on with the topic of the day!


The Ronald

Sorry for another McDonalds post, but I couldn't resist.

Did anyone hear about the calls for Ronald McDonald to be fired?

No, the Donald, i.e. Donald Trump, is not firing the Ronald!

The argument is that Ronald McDonald, the clown that he is, makes people want to eat at McDonalds. Well Duh!!! Isn't that the purpose of a good advertising campaign?

McDonalds does not make anyone unhealthy. You, of your own free will, get to choose what you eat. So if you are gullible enough to eat at McDonalds, due a big clown with red hair, then maybe you deserve whatever you get.

But what exactly do you get?

Some say a heart attack waiting to happen. That could be true. But the evidence is not all against McDonalds. As alluded to in a previous newsletter, you can eat at McDonalds and lose weight.

While I am not a McDonalds fan as an adult, I certainly enjoyed their "food" as a child. But it was never due to Ronald McDonald. I have never been a fan of clowns, not at the circus, not at health insurance board meetings, not in the US Congress, and certainly not at a restaurant. But I would never ask for The Ronald, as I like to call him, to be fired. And with unemployment in America so high today, think of all the clowns that will be out of work if the Ronald is fired. Who will be at all the kids birthday parties?

Will they have to bring back the Hamburglar? Or maybe the Grimace, Mayor McCheese, or Captain Crook?

So while the highly processed McDonalds ingredients leave a whole lot to be desired, and may not truly qualify as real food, firing their top clown would not be a wise decision. There are plenty of other top clowns that should be fired, but I will not digress.

So do me a favor.

Because you deserve a break today!

So, get up and getaway to, this other funny blog post about an interview with Ronald McDonald himself!

Next time you are in the office, ask me about my favorite McDonalds slogan.


Institute For Medical Wellness - Yearly Wellness Plans

Our Wellness Plans are growing fast this year. We are adding more individuals, couples and families every month. If you have not looked closely at these plans, more information can be found here, as well as the cost of the plans listed below.

Individuals Ages 6-24: once yearly fee of $399.
Individuals Ages 25 to 29: once yearly fee of $449.

Individuals Ages 30 and up: once yearly fee of $549.

Married couples: once yearly fee of $999.

Family Plan: once yearly fee of $1199.

Monthly payment options are also available!


Healthcare Reform Update:

I have decided to refrain from further reform updates in these newsletters. Instead I have set up a separate blog that will give my opinions of what healthcare reform will mean now and in the future. So for those of you who are interested in my opinions on these issues, you can find this new blog here, which will not be sent out as a newsletter. Instead, I encourage you to sign up on the blog to receive new issues as they are published.

To Good Health!

Steven Horvitz, D.O,
Board Certified Family Practice
Founder of The Institute For Medical Wellness
128 Borton Landing Road, Suite Two
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone 856-231-0590
Fax 856-294-0311

To follow The Institute For Medical Wellness on Twitter.

If this newsletter was forwarded to you, and you would like to receive future editions in your email box, please sign up here.

It is always nice to get good feedback. Good feedback tells me that I am definitely moving in the right direction! So please check out our patient testimonials.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


March 24, 2010

Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Living Report


There have been many in our time.

Many I understand, and some not quite as much.

First there was Adam and Eve.

In the Entertainment industry there was Laurel and Hardy, and Sonny and Cher.

Let us not forget Mickey and Minnie, or Batman and Robin.

Raising a daughter, I got to know Bert and Ernie as well as Ken and Barbie.

Politically speaking, we can not forget about Bill and Hillary or their television clones Homer and Marge ;0)

The latest duet, however, comes from New Zealand, and is a highly unusual pair, if I may say so myself.

Would you believe Weight Watchers and McDonalds !!!

You see, Weight Watchers has come to an agreement with McDonalds in New Zealand to endorse some of their products, including Chicken McNuggets and their Filet-of-Fish sandwiches.

I am told that McDonalds Chicken McNuggets are just 12 Weight Watchers points, whatever that means.

Now most of you know that I am not a believer in eating processed foods.

So let us take a look at the ingredients in McDonalds Chicken McNuggets and Filet of Fish, from McDonalds website, and decide if they contain processed ingredients.

Chicken McNuggets®:
White boneless chicken, water, food starch-modified, salt, seasoning (autolyzed yeast extract, salt, wheat starch, natural flavoring (botanical source), safflower oil, dextrose, citric acid, rosemary), sodium phosphates, seasoning (canola oil, mono- and diglycerides, extractives of rosemary). Battered and breaded with: water, enriched flour (bleached wheat flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), yellow corn flour, food starch-modified, salt, leavening (baking soda, sodium acid pyrophosphate, sodium aluminum phosphate, monocalcium phosphate, calcium lactate), spices, wheat starch, whey, corn starch. Prepared in vegetable oil (Canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, hydrogenated soybean oil with TBHQ and citric acid added to preserve freshness). Dimethylpolysiloxane added as an antifoaming agent.

Fish Filet Patty:
Fish Filet (Hoki and Pollock), water, food starch-modified, yellow corn flour, bleached wheat flour, salt, whey, dextrose, dried yeast, sugar, sodium polyphosphate, potassium polyphosphate, cellulose gum, paprika and turmeric extract (color), natural flavors (plant source). Prepared in vegetable oil (Canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, hydrogenated soybean oil with TBHQ and citric acid added to preserve freshness). Dimethylpolysiloxane added as an antifoaming agent.

Yum Yum.

It is like eating something I concocted in high school chemistry lab!

Just what I want to eat for good health and weight loss??

I don't think so !!!

I prefer to eat real non-processed food, where the ingredient list is 4 items or less, and contains real food, not items such as autolyzed yeast extract, sodium phosphates, food startch-modified, sodium acid-pyrophosphate, hydrogenated soybean oil with TBHQ, and on and on and on......

Actually I find Weight Watchers name is actually very appropriate. You join weight watchers and watch your weight go down a little, and then up a little, but do you ever really get anywhere? For those of you who do lose weight on weight watchers, how much of your loss is actually fat loss, as opposed to water or muscle? A truly healthy weight loss for overweight or obese individuals should compose of greater than 90% fat loss. This can be easily measured in our office with a body fat analyzer and is a part of our Healthy Weight Programs.

Achieving a healthy weight can be difficult, but the know-how to achieve a healthy weight should not be. That is what our Traditional Healthy Weight Program, and our Healthy Weight Program-Lite edition are all about. Teaching you how to alter your diet for your individual lifestyle and metabolism.

Now, you actually can lose weight eating fast food meals, if you alter the meals by avoiding the carbohydrates. Have a Big Mac, but eat it open-faced, without the bun, even if draws some funny looks. There was a very funny movie I viewed recently, Fat Head, and I highly recommend it. In the movie, which is actually a documentary, the writer actually lost weight and fat while eating nothing but fast food. So he proved you can lose weight eating at McDonalds, but at what cost? All the processed ingredients and chemicals, preservatives, etc, etc, may end up costing him in the end!

I guess my major issue is more with Weight Watchers than with McDonalds. We all know McDonalds is in business to sell you food. Weight Watchers, is supposed to help you lose weight, and to be on your side, not beholden to any corporate interests. Can you tell me that the dollars moving from McDonalds to Weight Watchers corporate office for their endorsement will not cause any conflicts of interest? Is it any different from big political donors bribing coercing politicians to vote a certain way?

I don't think so!

If you have any other duets you find amusing, please let me know!!!


Institute For Medical Wellness New Offers:

Phone Consults have been available at The Institute for Medical Wellness since January 2010.

While many patient's take it for granted that doctor's will prescribe treatment over the phone, it is not always good sound medical practice, nor the best for patient care. But many patient's in my practice have strongly requested these consults. Thus, I have added phone consultations to the services I offer, in the hope that when used in the proper circumstances will be of benefit to you. Phone consultations simply consists of phone time spent with you evaluating your health complaints, and prescribing treatment. For example, if you are feeling ill, but stuck at work or home, you can arrange a phone consultation.

The following fees will be charged dependent upon the time spent on consultation or if treatment is ordered or prescribed:

5 minutes or less without treatment prescribed = No charge
10 minutes or less with treatment prescribed = $45
11-15 minutes with treatment prescribed = $75

Any consultation that would require more than 15 minutes requires an in-office evaluation. Phone consultations will most often be used to evaluate and treat recurrent illnesses such as allergies, sinusitis or urinary tract infections. This service is not available to new patient's, nor to any condition that requires an in-office evaluation. Phone consults also need to be scheduled during regular office hours.

To schedule a phone consult, please call our office at 856-231-0590. A valid credit card is required.

Telephone consult fees are not applicable for the following:

* Quick follow-up phone conversations about a recent office evaluation.
* Wellness plan members, as these services are already included as part of your plan.
* As Medicare rules are vague on telephone consults, this service is not available to Traditional Medicare patients.
* Routine requests such as pharmacy refills, appointments or non-physician requests.

Healthcare Reform Update:

I have decided to refrain from further reform updates in these newsletters. Instead I have set up a separate blog that will give my opinions of what healthcare reform will mean now and in the future. So for those of you who are interested in my opinions on these issues, you can find this new blog here, which will not be sent out as a newsletter. Instead, I encourage you to sign up on the blog to receive new issues as they are published.

To Good Health!

Steven Horvitz, D.O,
Board Certified Family Practice
Founder of The Institute For Medical Wellness
128 Borton Landing Road, Suite Two
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone 856-231-0590
Fax 856-294-0311

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Defining the Healthcare Reform Debate:

March 21, 2010

Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Living Report

Defining the Healthcare Reform Debate:

The debate has raged for over a year now. The vote will be taken today. As this newsletter was written and sent prior to the vote, I do not yet know the outcome, yet I fear that this reform bill will pass. While our healthcare system has many faults, the reforms that may become law are more like the San Andreas fault.

Here are a few words, that I feel aptly describes the healthcare reform debate, taken from a few different online dictionaries.

1) Oligarchy: An oligarchy (Greek ?λιγαρχ?α, Oligarkhía) (oligocracy) is a form of government in which power effectively rests with a small elite segment of society distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, military might, or religious hegemony.

Opinion only: Public opinion has been against this reform bill. Yet the Congress may yet make it law. Is our present day Congress an oligarchy?

2) Collusion is an agreement, usually secretive, which occurs between two or more persons to limit open competition by deceiving, misleading, or defrauding others of their legal rights, or to obtain an objective forbidden by law typically by defrauding or gaining an unfair advantage. It is an agreement among firms to divide the market, set prices, or limit production. It can involve "wage fixing, kickbacks, or misrepresenting the independence of the relationship between the colluding parties. As another example, collusion may involve cooperation between competing sellers, in the form of an agreement, express or tacit, limiting competition, or a merger or other means to raise the market price above the competitive level.

Opinion only: At first, I thought this was about health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies fixing prices to benefit the profits of both. But after watching healthcare reform pushed through our Congress, it appears that our politicians are even better at collusion, and have colluded with just about every special interest and industry around, leaving individuals without representation.

How many private backroom political deals were struck to buy get votes?

This bill was originally written in large part by politicians in collusion with health insurers. So the major benefits are political, and for the profits of the large insurance companies. All the demonizing of insurance companies was just a tactic to try to swing public opinion in favor of reform. It did not work. We all have issues when we fight an insurer to cover a treatment. Our biggest threat is legal, supposedly with the power of the government at our sides. With the collusion between the insurers and the government, just whose side will our government be on during our next battle with the insurers?

Individuals may soon be mandated to purchase insurance, and their choices of policies to purchase will be regulated and limited by the government. What the government fails to understand is that it is the government regulations and mandates that increases the costs of healthcare. They are just doubling down on bad policy!!

I will stop here, but not because I have run out of opinions.

But first, here is a link on healthcare reform from one of my volunteer crackerjack patients researchers.


After the above reform discussion, I feel the need to lighten it up a little, and no better way then some HMO humor.

HMO Jokes Segment

•The problem is that 99.99% of the HMO's make a bad name for the rest of them.
•Title for the meeting held in Michigan was an excellent example for oxymoron: "Managed care ethics."
•Q: What is the difference between an HMO and a car battery? A: The battery has a positive side.
•Q: What's the difference between an HMO doc and a seagull? A seagull can still make a significant deposit on a Mercedes.
Disclaimer: I have never owned a Mercedes, and my car is now 12 years old!!!



For those of you who are not internet savvy, a blogroll is not a type of sushi. But they are part of the many sources I research for new, old or changing information concerning your health.

I have many blogs that I follow, some of which are listed below: Diabetes Update Fat Head- You've been fed a load of bologna Health and Medicine from an Evolutionary Standpoint paleolithic nutrition - duplicating the evolutionary metabolic milieu explores food, fitness, pharmacy, freedom, and philosophy using an evolutionary paradigm. Primal Wisdom refers to the accumulated wisdom of our pre-agricultural ancestors as well as the innate wisdom built into the modern human organism through millions of years of evolution. Intermittent Fasting, Fitness, & Paleolithic Nutrition Self-Experimentation, Scientific Method, the Shangri-La Diet, etc. The Blog of Michael R.Eades, M.D., A critical look at nutritional science and anything else that strikes my fancy Measure, track and control coronary atherosclerotic plaque A blog about health, food, wholesome living and whatever else captures my interest.


So if healthcare reform passes and is signed into law, what do I see happening?

I really do not like making predictions, but since you asked:

I will limit my predictions to the Institute For Medical Wellness. We will continue to offer patient-centered, non-rushed medical care focusing on prevention of illness regardless of any reform bill, because it is what is demanded from my patient's and what is best for your health.

So if and when millions of individuals are forced to purchase insurance, and find their way into physicians offices, my question becomes, are there enough physicians? The answer is NO! So these newly insured will find themselves waiting in long lines at doctors offices or emergency rooms. But the era of the 8 minute doctor visit will be over. It will be replaced with a 5 minute visit, as doctors will need to see many more patients each day. Please tell me how can that be accomplished while maintaining high quality care?

The Institute For Medical Wellness will continue as is.

•Our routine office visit will remain at 20 minutes.
•Yearly wellness exams will continue at 45-60 minutes.
•Same day appointments and minimal if any waiting room time will continue.
Wellness Plans that are less expensive than your cell phone bill or gym membership!

When we can no longer continue meeting the above conditions, we will stop accepting new patients. We value every individual in our practice, I hope as much as each individual values themselves!

So you are all still free to decide, regardless of healthcare reform, where to obtain your healthcare. You can remain in the present healthcare system, where doctor visits last 5-8 minutes, and it can take a week for a sick visit. Or you can join with The Institute for Medical Wellness for healthcare delivery the way it should be, where the focus is always on you!!

To Good Health!

Steven Horvitz, D.O,
Board Certified Family Practice
Founder of The Institute For Medical Wellness
128 Borton Landing Road, Suite Two
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone 856-231-0590
Fax 856-294-0311

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Introducing our Healthy Weight Program - Lite Edition

March 17, 2010

Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Living Report

Introducing our Healthy Weight Program - Lite Edition

Our Traditional Healthy Weight Program has many popular items, including many in-office consultations, as well as a starter package of supplements and protein shakes included. But by popular request, we are now able to offer our Healthy Weight Program, in a sleeker, Lite Edition.

The Lite Program benefits those who are "too busy", and do not have the time to spend on the Traditional Healthy Weight Program, and is also good for individuals who need the guidance, but less hand holding, to meet their healthy weight goal.

This program fits best after your yearly physical, as review of laboratory testing give valuable information about your metabolic profile, which helps to determine your proper program. The main part of your program will be your online Healthy Weight Notes, which we will privately share via a personalized google document. You will use this document to keep a diary of your food intake, as well as anything else pertinent to help you achieve your goals. I will be monitoring your IMW-Healthy Weight Notes, and giving what I hope to be good instruction and comments, as well as other helpful information, including any links to articles that I feel will be helpful to your success.

I will instruct you to weigh yourself on your home scale intermittently, to monitor your progress. At the end of each month, you should come to the office for a weigh-in. If you are doing well, and want to continue, you may renew the plan on a month-to-month basis. I believe that you will learn enough within the first month or two, that two months on the program will probably be sufficient for you to learn how to continue with your healthy weight goals. But if you need more help and guidance, you can continue for a longer period.

The cost for the Institute for Medical Wellness Healthy Weight Program-Lite Edition is, as its name includes, pretty lite at just $99 for the initial month, and $79 a month thereafter. To make this program even more effective, I suggest you combine it with exercise guidance with our affiliated personal trainers. I hope you use the training sessions to further move yourself towards your goals. For just $175 for the initial month, you can get both the Healthy Weight Program-Lite Edition and three one hour personal training sessions, and you will receive 10% off of all Institute for Medical Wellness supplements for the length of your program.

So no time is better than now to start working towards your healthy weight!

Healthcare Reform Update:

Below is an email I sent to Congressman John Adler yesterday concerning the healthcare reform debate.

To Congressman Adler:

I write to encourage you to oppose government-run health care and any legislation which might broaden the federal government's control over my health care, and the healthcare I provide to my patients. The current health care legislation, if passed and signed into law, will result in higher insurance premiums, lost health insurance and lost jobs for the American people which will push us deeper into recession. It will force many individuals, who execute their freedom of choice to not purchase insurance, into buying health insurance that they do not want. Many of these individuals are in their 20's and 30's and can not afford insurance, regardless of any government stipend they may receive.

I hope that you fight against health care legislation that would drive up costs, diminish quality and limit access. As a private solo primary care physician, I know all too well the problems with our healthcare system! I also am certain beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the bill before you will only make it worse. So you have a decision to make. If you side with your political party, instead of with the people who you are sworn to represent, do not expect to be re-elected in November. I am not a politically active person. I am too busy trying to provide quality medical care to my patients. But please know that if you vote for this government takeover of healthcare, not only will I speak up to every patient in my practice, but I will encourage and help every other doctor in my area to speak up as well and elect your opponent in November. Physicians rarely get involved politically, but the healthcare debate that has occurred in Washington D.C. has awoken a sleeping giant. Ask your friends and neighbors who they trust more about healthcare, their doctor or their Congressman. I do not think you would fare to well in that poll!

To have politicians and special interests dictate to me how to best treat my patient's is ludicrous and insulting. If you are ill, would you rather call me, as your physician, or your political party officials and special interests? I hope your answer is you would rather call your physician! If so, then make it happen by voting NO on this reform bill!

I would welcome a response directly from you, and not by way of a form letter. You may call me at my office at 856-231-0590. Better yet, I invite you to come visit my office and see how healthcare is actually delivered in a patient-centered and cost effective manner.

If you want my support in November, and I am a registered Independent, you not only need to vote NO on this reform package, but you need to show some leadership and speak out against this monstrosity of a bill to other members of Congress. Do not fear your Congressional leaders. They can not vote for you. I can, as well as all the patient's in my practice and my community that you are sworn to serve.

So I urge you again, to not only show some backbone and vote NO, but tell the truth about these reforms, that they are bad for individuals, bad for business, and catastrophic for our country.


Dr. Steven Horvitz
128 Bortons Landing Rd
Moorestown, NJ 08057-3011
Phone 856-231-0590


So what do you think?

A: Form letter response
B: Personal Email response
C: Phone call to meet at my office
D: No response
E: Other

To Good Health!

Steven Horvitz, D.O,
Board Certified Family Practice
Founder of The Institute For Medical Wellness
128 Bortons Landing Road, Suite Two
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone 856-231-0590
Fax 856-294-0311

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Hearty Dose of Calcium???

March 12, 2010

Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Living Report

A Hearty Dose of Calcium???

Everyone always asks, Hey Doc, What type of calcium supplement should I take? You know, I don't want to have weak bones or Osteoporosis.

But does calcium supplementation help you or hurt you?

To answer this question we need to go back to a term mentioned a while back in an older, more ancient newsletter. The term or concept is called NNT, or number needed to treat. This is, to me, a very valuable statistic. It tells me how many people we need to treat to help or to hurt one person? I then convert that number into a percentage to see the actual percentage of people helped, or hurt, by a treatment.

Here is an example:

If 11 people have strep throat, and I give an antibiotic to all 11, on average, 10 people will be cured and 1 will not. The NNT is 10/11, or a 91% success rate. In healthcare, that is pretty good odds, especially for a treatment that is very safe.

Before I get to calcium, let me provide another NNT, this time for one of my favorites, the cholesterol drug Lipitor. Lipitor has an NNT of 100 to prevent one cardiovascular event. So it helps 1 out of every 100 people who take it, or 1%. I'll bet that is not what you see or hear on the television advertisements.

Now let us look at NNT for calcium supplementation in a few different ways.

Over five years,to prevent one symptomatic fracture in one person, we need to give calcium supplementation to 50 people. That is an NNT of 50, which means 1 out of 50 or 2% of people may benefit. That also means 98% do not!

Now, can calcium cause any problems?

In the above population, the NNT of individuals who took calcium supplementation over 5 years and went on to have a heart attack, otherwise known as an MI, or myocardial infarction, a coronary, or acute coronary syndrome, or coronary thrombosis .............

Sorry bout that! I sometimes get carried away!

The NNT of individuals who took calcium supplementation and went on to have a heart attack was 44. This means that 1 out of 44 individuals or 2.3% went on to have heart attacks. Here is another study on Vitamin D, calcium and prevention of cardiovascular events.

Things that make me go Hmmm!!!

2% of people benefit from calcium by not developing a symptomatic fracture, while 2.3% had a heart attack. More had heart attacks than prevention of fractures.

I do not exactly like those odds ; (

So the benefit of calcium supplementation appears to be overblown!

But I can still take one of those Osteoporosis drugs to prevent my bones from weakening. They will help because I trust Sally Fields!!! Sally would not lie to me!!

Full disclosure time: The only movie I ever liked with Sally Fields was Smokey and the Bandit. But that was a long, long time ago!!!

Below are the NNT's for prevention of hip fractures over 3 years for 3 common Osteoporosis drugs, as well as for low dose Vitamin D supplementation and hormone replacement therapy.

1. Risedronate (Actonel): 77
2. Alendronate (Fosamax): 91
3. Zoledronic Acid (Reclast): 91
4. Vitamin D 800 IU daily: 45
5. Hormone Replacement Therapy: 385

The lower the number, the better.

It appears that low dose Vitamin D was twice as effective as Fosamax or Reclast.

My suggestion.

Eat a well balanced diet, low in processed carbohydrates, with an abundance of colorful vegetables, meats, chicken, fish and eggs. Throw in some nuts, butter and olive oil. Get some summer sunshine for Vitamin D, or take a Vitamin D supplement.

And "just say No", to calcium supplements and Osteoporosis drugs!

To Good Health!

Steven Horvitz, D.O,
Board Certified Family Practice
Founder of The Institute For Medical Wellness
128 Borton Landing Road, Suite Two
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone 856-231-0590
Fax 856-294-0311

Monday, March 08, 2010

HDL Cholesterol- Is something fishy??

March 8, 2010

Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Living Report

HDL Cholesterol- Is something fishy??

HDL, otherwise known as the good cholesterol, is one of the types of cholesterol that makes up your total cholesterol measurement. Unlike certain types of LDL (type-B small dense LDL's), HDL cholesterol is generally good for you! While small dense LDL's can go through your bloodstream and get taken into the vessel wall, where it can cause blockages, HDL does the opposite. HDL cholesterol, due to its even smaller size, is able to get through the vessel walls, and acts as a transport vehicle, or bus, to takes the bad cholesterol out of the wall and recirculate it back to the liver for processing. That is why I call HDL, the Happy Cholesterol!!!

So that brings up a nice math problem that I do almost every day at the office.

Almost on Monday, almost on Tuesday, almost on Wednesday.

Sorry bout that. I always liked that joke ; )

One of the first things I look at when reviewing cholesterol values is what I call the Total/HDL ratio. This ratio is defined as the Total Cholesterol divided by the HDL cholesterol. A good ratio is 4 or below, which indicates a less than average risk of developing heart disease. A ratio greater than 5 puts you at above average risk for heart disease.

So who do you think has the lower risk of heart disease based on the below cholesterol levels?

Patient #1)

Total Cholesterol = 240
HDL Cholesterol = 60
LDL Cholesterol = 145
Triglycerides = 110

Patient #2)

Total Cholesterol = 180
HDL Cholesterol = 30
LDL Cholesterol = 115
Triglycerides = 100

Patient #1 has higher levels of all the cholesterol components and triglycerides. Patient #1 also has a ratio of 240/60 = 4.0

Patient #2 has lower levels of all the cholesterol components and triglycerides. Patient #1 has a ratio of 180/30 = 6.0

Patient #1 has a lower risk of heart disease based on the ratio of 4.0 .

As already mentioned, the HDL or good cholesterol, goes through the body and scavenges up or cleans up after the bad cholesterol or LDL. So the more HDL you have, the better. Some medications have been shown to raise HDL. Niacin, sold as prescription Niaspan, has some very good studies showing just this effect. Unfortunately for niacin, the high doses needed to exert this effect, has some very annoying flushing, itching and other skin side effects, and is rarely tolerated. Niacin also has an annoying habit of raising diabetics and prediabetics sugar levels.

My advice on the best way to improve your ratio is to lower your processed carbohydrate intake, increase your healthy fat, protein and fiber intake, increase your exercise, and if able, supplement with fish oils. This will raise the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) and lower your ratio to healthier levels. Our Healthy Weight Program is one way to help you lower your overall risk. A new Healthy Weight Program-Lite edition, will soon be available to help you further.


Fish Oils and PCB's

That leads to a perfect segway into our next subject.

Fish oil supplements, when used correctly, have been proven beneficial in prevention of heart disease, arthritis and some mood disorders. Other benefits have been reported, but I like to wait for more data to come in before making any recommendations.

I was asked to comment about a recent news story from Good Morning America (GMA) concerning fish oil supplements and PCB content. PCB's have been proven in the past to increase one's risk of cancer. A lawsuit has been filed against some fish oil manufacturers related to PCB's in fish oil supplements.

What is my take on this?

The GMA segment appeared to be well balanced, and the physician interviewed stated that only ten fish oil supplements were studied, which is a very small sample size. Concluding that all fish oil supplements are hazardous, from that sample size, would be equivalent to throwing out all the eggs at your supermarket due to a dozen or so bad eggs. Still, it will be interesting to see how this lawsuit plays out.

I can also take a conspiratorial view of this lawsuit. There is presently talk in Congress about further government regulations on the nutritional supplement industry. This lawsuit may be the trial balloon, pun intended, to drum up support for further government regulations. These regulations would put a big damper on individuals freedom to purchase supplements on their own.

The Institute For Medical Wellness, for the past seven years, has had available for purchase, Carlson's Fish Oil. Here is what is written on the Carlsons Fish Oil label.

THIS PRODUCT is regularly tested (using AOAC international protocols) for freshness, potency and purity by an independent, FDA-registered laboratory and has been determined to be fresh, fully potent and free of detectable levels of mercury, cadmium, lead, PCB's and 28 other contaminants.

I would not let the GMA story scare you away from fish oil supplements. But you should, as I always recommend, do your homework before starting or purchasing a supplement for use.

The Institute For Medical Wellness has a select list of supplements available, chosen based on efficacy, reliability, safety and cost. If a supplement does not meet those specifications, I do not recommend it.

Funny Times at The Institute For Medical Wellness:

We all have days when we get tongue-tied, myself probably more than others. But here is a funny that I need to mention.

When I asked a long-time patient, who I shall anonymously refer to as "The Man", what insurance he had, for laboratory testing purposes only, the response given was,

"Blue Cross- Blue Cheese"

Maybe I caught him after lunch at Salad Works ????

Special thanks to "The Man" for his good wit and great sense of humor!!

And for all the hassles of health insurance today, maybe they should change their name to Blue Cross-Blue Cheese !!!

To Good Health!

Steven Horvitz, D.O,
Board Certified Family Practice
Founder of The Institute For Medical Wellness
128 Borton Landing Road, Suite Two
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone 856-231-0590
Fax 856-294-0311

Thursday, March 04, 2010

LDL Cholesterol- Is it truly a villain?

Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Living Report

LDL Cholesterol- Is it truly a villain?

In my previous newsletter, I discussed the meaning of a Total Cholesterol reading as it relates to your risk of vascular disease. If you missed that newsletter, I'll update you.
Total Cholesterol is meaningless.

I'll say that again.

Total Cholesterol is meaningless!!

You see, total cholesterol is made up of many subfractions.

There are two common subfractions we usually hear about.

One that we measure is called LDL, otherwise known as low density cholesterol or BAD cholesterol. A simple way to remember LDL is bad is that L is lousy or bad.

A second that we measure is called HDL, otherwise known as high density cholesterol, or GOOD cholesterol. A simple way to remember that HDL is good is that H is happy or good.

So while two individuals may have the same Total Cholesterol, the amounts of the HDL and LDL may differ.

Today I will focus on LDL which has long been blamed for heart and vascular disease. What you may not know is that just as Total Cholesterol has subfractions that are both good and bad, LDL cholesterol also has subfractions. These subfractions are not all bad for you. Unfortunately, a routine cholesterol or lipid panel does not break down LDL into its subfractions. That is why at the Institute For Medical Wellness, we order a more detailed lipid panel to include these measurements. These added LDL subfractions enable us to better stratify your risk for heart and vascular disease and guide you towards a healthier diet and lifestyle to match your levels.

The first LDL subfraction I will call Type B LDL, otherwise known as small and dense. The small dense Type B LDL's tend to be more problematic. A simple way to understand this is to imagine a cholesterol doorway that is only 25 nanometers wide. Only LDL cholesterol particles smaller than 25 nanometers can fit through the doorway. Type B LDL tends to be 25 nanometers or less and can fit easily through the doorway. Unfortunately this doorway leads the cholesterol towards increased plaque formation and a higher risk of heart disease.

The second LDL subfraction I will call Type A LDL, otherwise known as large buoyant or big and fluffy. These big fluffy Type A LDL's tend to be much less problematic, as they tend to be larger than 25 nanometers in size, and do not fit easily through the cholseterol doorway. This makes the Type A LDL's not as dangerous.

OK. Now let me put this all together for you. Just as measuring a Total Cholesterol level by itself tends to be meaningless, measuring a total LDL is not very helpful without the subfractions we now call big fluffy and small dense.

So, I know people do not like to be call big and fluffy. But when we are talking about LDL cholesterol, big and fluffy is what you want to be.

For more information about this type of cholesterol testing, please visit the following website.

Unfortunately, there is a caveat. One insurance company, Aetna, is way behind the eight ball when it comes to lipid measurements, and refuses to allow payment for this testing. But I am always looking for a way to guide you through or around the health insurance quagmire. Presently I am in discussion to get this special testing at a reduced price for Aetna patients.

Stay tuned.

Next in the cholesterol series, in an upcoming newsletter, will be HDL.

Healthcare Reform Update:

Yes, here we go again!

First let me say that my views on healthcare reform are not meant to be political, as healthcare should never be held hostage to politics. Your healthcare and the decisions you make about your health should be yours to make, and yours alone. Unfortunately too many outside interests (insurers and politicians) have gotten in the way. It was not always like this.

My whole life has been centered around healthcare. I started my medical education in 1988, but I grew up in my father's medical office. My father was an independent family doctor who practiced for 25 years, before the insurance companies or the government took over control of the system. Insurance premiums were much more affordable during that period. The doctor-patient relationship was paramount when I would visit my father's office and see the interaction between him and his patient's. There was no concern for what insurance a patient had. So the problem, as I see it now, is not that there is not enough government and third party control of your healthcare, but too much. Way, way too much!!

So when I discuss the healthcare reform debate, it is personal. Healthcare costs, as I see it, have skyrocketed due to government and insurance control, so how will giving them more control of the system lower costs?

I am not part of any political party. I am not a republican or democrat, and I do not belong to a tea party. I am proud to be just as independent politically as I am independent in my practice of medicine. My views on this healthcare reform issue gravitate towards what I personally feel gives the most control of healthcare decisions to patient's and their physicians. Any reforms that try to intrude on the doctor-patient relationship, I will oppose, and oppose strongly.


Institute For Medical Wellness Planning Stages or what we hope to offer in the near future.

•Healthy Weight Program- Lite edition- pun intended!
•New Heart and Vascular Wellness to focus even more on prevention of heart disease.
•More In-Depth Nutritional Testing

If you have any ideas for future newsletters please let me know!

To Good Health!

Steven Horvitz, D.O,
Board Certified Family Practice
Founder of The Institute For Medical Wellness
128 Borton Landing Road, Suite Two
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone 856-231-0590
Fax 856-294-0311