Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why I love ADD/ADHD!!

May 11, 2010

Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Living Report

Why I love ADD/ADHD!!

I had a long time patient who I shall call Addie, come in for an evaluation this week. Her name for this newsletter has been changed to protect the innocent ; ) Addie and I discussed a "medical condition" known as ADD, ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Now some people believe that ADD is akin to a learning disorder, but my opinion differs. It is my belief that ADD helps many individuals succeed in life. Click here for a link to famous people who have been purported to or admitted to ADD. Click here for a list from Parenting magazine of other celebrities diagnosed with ADD who have used its gifts to succeed in life.

In speaking further with Addie, she has, in fact, succeeded in many areas and suggested I write a book about her ADD addventures. My answer, after almost falling off my chair laughing, was that I can barely get out a newsletter, let alone write a book! So after I picked myself off the floor, and brushed off a smudge on my old ripped jeans, we went back to discussing the many upsides of ADD, as well as some of the downs. During the discussion we continued laughing, and decided that instead of fighting ADD, it was time to embrace the good aspects, and work towards minimizing the bad.

I am not of the belief that you either have ADD or you do not. I am of the belief that everyone has ADD traits, just to different extents. I find that a large majority of ADD individuals are extremely bright and talented. It is when they learn how to utilize the strengths of ADD for their education and career paths, that their full potential is unleashed. I did not write a newsletter to poke fun at those with ADD beyond control, as can be the case, but rather to poke fun at myself and find some humor in the brains we, and I have all been dealt with.

In situations where ADD is preventing success and advancement in life, there are many behavioral and medical options available. But just as in other medical diseases, I first prefer to investigate and try more holistic options, as this can be accomplished without side effects. But as holistic options do not always work, I always try to keep an ace in the hole, so I have a very good relationship with a doctor who specializes in conventional treatments for ADD ; )

Always the optimist, I have found that the best way to minimize the bad feelings that come from ADD is to humble them with humor. So what better example than to share some of my favorite ADD jokes and sayings.

Here goes.........

Q. How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. Let's go bicycling!!!
I stopped to think, and forgot to start again!
I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.
As seen on a T-shirt: ADHD- Don't make me get HYPERFOCUSED on you!
I never finish anyth
"You have my DIVIDED attention!"
The other day I was taking out the trash and I saw a crow on the roof of my garage just SCREAAMMMING at me, so I went back in the house and saw the pen I needed to write down that telephone number and, what was the question?

And my all time favorite:

My mother says I have ADD. But I do not believe her. Hey, Look, a chicken.....


There are also some great things about having ADD.

Can meet someone, fall deeply in love, marry, fight, hate, and divorce,
all in about 35 minutes or less.

Can see all of your worldly possessions at one time...because they
are all over the floor.

Make far reaching analogies that no one else understands and write
them off as "Deep Thoughts"

Able to tie seemingly unrelated ideas together.

Honestly believes that anything is possible.

Pro vides jobb sicuritty four riterz of Spehl Chek programms

OK. Now what was I writing about??

Oh yea.....


Interesting Article:

I came across a very interesting and informative blog article that discussed the many benefits of Omega 3 fats, found in fish, while also discussing the downsides of Omega 6 fats, found in many vegetable oils. The article can be found here. The follow-up article can be found here. As I pursue this further, and validate the articles findings, I hope to incorporate a more balanced omega-3 diet into our Healthy Weight Program.

We already offer testing for a balanced omega-3 diet. The Omega-3 index is a part of our Healthy Heart Program, but can also be offered separately for $149.00. The results can and will be used to better individualize your diet and supplement needs.

Speaking of supplements......

Institute For Medical Wellness Supplements of the Month:

My supplements of the month offer for May 2010, includes two supplements that help with decreasing inflammation and maintaining proper gut flora, which may be linked to helping improve our immune systems ability to function properly.

For May 2010,

Vitamin D3- Liquid 2000iu per drop, 900 drops per bottle- regularly $20


Probiotic Pearls- ProFlora Immune- 30 pearls, regularly $20.

Purchase these two supplements together for $30, a 25% savings.


Thank you Addie for the inspiration to write this newsletter.

Now, where did that chicken go????

To Good Health!

Steven Horvitz, D.O,
Board Certified Family Practice
Founder of The Institute For Medical Wellness
128 Borton Landing Road, Suite Two
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone 856-231-0590
Fax 856-294-0311
To follow The Institute For Medical Wellness on Twitter.

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It is always nice to get good feedback. Good feedback tells me that I am definitely moving in the right direction! So please check out our patient testimonials.

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