Monday, June 07, 2010

Moorestown Day has come and gone!

June 7, 2010

Institute For Medical Wellness Healthy Living Report

Moorestown Day has come and gone!

I would like to thank everyone who stopped by our booth Saturday, for Moorestown Day.

We had a few volunteers who chose to speak with us about our medical wellness philosophy and services. We also performed blood pressure screenings as shown below.

As with any outdoor event, we were at the whim of Mother Nature. While she spared us any rain, she did not spare the heat and humidity.

It was hot!! Luckily, the gentleman shown above was in the neighboring tent, and he had a nice display of sunrooms, windows and doors. So when it really got hot out, he nicely opened the windows for us to allow a breeze ; )

There was plenty of downtime. Jessica, our whirling dervish of a medical assistant always needs something to do to pass the time. Here is a picture of what she does best.

But it was not all downtime.
The busiest time of the day, as usually happens, occurred at lunchtime. Now most of you know I have fairly strong views on diet and health. You also know that I prefer to keep to a low processed carbohydrate diet. Now, not everyone is perfect, and most people who try to be, tend to get frustrated and irritable. I do not like to be frustrated or irritable, and I am human, just like you! So, I get to rationalize my Moorestown Day food choices, to allow myself an exception that is hard for me to say "No".

Can anyone guess what it was?

Here is a clue.
It rhymes with tomato.
It is not Gumbo, nor Merlot or Bordeaux.
It is usually deep fried in peanut oil.
If you guessed French fried "potato", you are correct!

My addiction to french fries began in my youth and has lasted with me throughout my adulthood.
Thank you Mom and Dad!
It In fact, I once came close to firing an employee for throwing out extra french fries before offering them to me. Remember, I said close!!!

So what do french fries have to do with Moorestown Day?
The largest crowd of the day happened to arrive at lunchtime. When I know that I will be confined to a 10 x10 area for six hours, my survival instincts take over and I tend to "carb-it" when I am hungry. Please do not look up "carb-it" in the dictionary. You will not find it. But, as luck would have it, as soon as I put a french fry into my mouth, literally, as soon as I started to eat a french fry, someone comes to our tent and asks to speak to the "Wellness doctor"? So what did I say to this individual, looking for better health and wellness? Simple! I asked if he had any ketchup for my fries ; )

I could look for nice nutritional things to write about french fried potatoes, and I could provide many internet links. But instead I will just say that I enjoyed the fries, and I am still looking for a french fry support group! I had belonged to one before, but it disbanded after one meeting. It did not help that the meeting was held next to McDonalds.

As I tell all my patients who have taken part in my Healthy Weight Program. It is important to put the right foods into your body. But if you strive for absolute perfection, you will probably fail. I find it best to find a good balance between safety, health and happiness! This balance is another of the many reasons I founded the Institute for Medical Wellness.
Red Meat- Good or Bad for you?

The answer is ---- Both!
Now wasn't that helpful?
When we talk about red meat, we may be talking about a steak.

We may also be talking about a hamburger or a hot dog.

They are all considered red meat, but they are very, very different foods.
Without getting into any gory details, a good carnivore usually enjoys a steak. There is minimal food processing, and if you buy organic and grass fed, it is even closer to an ideal protein and healthy fat source.

How bout hamburgers and hot dogs you say?
They are definitely a different story. Hamburger meat is usually heavily processed, but not as much as a hot dog. Here is a link to a youtube video showing how hot dogs are processed. And most hot dogs have other ingredients, such as preservatives that have been shown to increase your risk of many diseases. These preservatives can be very powerful stuff. I recently spoke a retired school teacher, who used to take his students on a field trip to the local garbage dump. This is probably no worse than taking them on a trip to the United States Congress.

Sorry bout that!!

An interesting thing occurred at the dump. The students were testing different items to see how fast they decomposed, and which items were most biodegradable. Would you believe he found that hot dogs were less biodegradable than some plastic cups? So if hot dogs do not biodegrade in a dump, what is happening to them in your colon?
The healthy pearl of the day.

Red meat that is minimally processed, without added chemicals, hormones or preservatives may indeed be healthy for you.
Red meat, such as hot dogs, that are heavily processed, probably are not!!

To Good Health!

Steven Horvitz, D.O,
Board Certified Family Practice
Founder of The Institute For Medical Wellness
128 Borton Landing Road, Suite Two
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone 856-231-0590
Fax 856-294-0311
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